#1 booking software with no subscription fees!
Effortlessly manage your Beauty & Wellness business
Streamline your business with our platform, designed to save you time and money. Our solutions make managing your business easier and more efficient
features included
80+ Countries
Countries covered
One-stop solution to manage and grow your business
Full suite of tools to supercharge sales, simplify scheduling, and elevate client relationships—so you can concentrate on what you love.
Appointment scheduling
Check out our sleek, user-friendly salon software. It works on all devices and makes scheduling and managing appointments easy.
Payment processing
Make secure online payments with our Stripe integration for a smooth and easy checkout experience.
Reporting and analytics
Gain key insights into your salon’s finances, client trends, and business growth with Kimih's advanced analytics and reporting tools.
E-Wallet system
Our wallet system integrates smoothly, making it easy to pay for marketing services, bookings, and more.
Streamline Your Business with Easy Online Booking
Drive sales with seamless online client acquisition. Increase visibility and brand presence by creating a standout profile on our marketplace. Integrate unlimited "Book Now“ buttons on your social media for instant client bookings.
- Simplify operations with online self-booking.
- Build trust with verified ratings and reviews.
- Secure client loyalty effortlessly.
Kimih is Free to Use, Only 5% Transaction Fee
Kimih's platform is completely free to use with a simple 5% fee on transactions made on the platform.
Experience a streamlined, user-friendly interface designed to meet your business needs.
No hidden costs—only pay when you make a sale.
Always free, always easy, and optimized for your success.